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Reconnect and Recentre on your  highest purpose.

Transform your life with Reconnect and Recentre

Why Reconnect and Recentre?

I founded Reconnect and Recentre because I truly believe we are each born with a unique or many unique gifts.


What the world needs most is for each and everyone of us to share those gifts for the highest good of all. 


As poet Cleo Wade says "we're called to live in our gift"


I have worn many hats on my journey to living my highest purpose from building sites as a civil engineer to remote tropical islands as an environmental engineer, from volunteering on the streets of Kolkata to managing millions of pounds of climate justice contracts. With each transition, I've circled back to myself, to listen to my heart and the deepest calling of my soul. 


As a trained Gestalt coach and facilitator, I now offer

  1. 121 Coaching

  2. Workshops

  3. Aligned Accountability Group Programmes.


My aim with all of my services is to reconnect you to that voice and intuition within, I do this through connection with nature, drawing on the masculine and feminine properties and using sub-conscious tools to ensure you're living in alignment with your highest purpose, and working for the greatest good of all.

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Meet Our Coach

Hi I'm Ciara the founder of Reconnect and Recentre,


Here's 10 things about me:​


1) I'm a non-identical twin, yes we're telepathic, no don't take us on in charades! 

​2) I ran my first ultramarathon pregnant (obvs didn't know) and had a blast. 

​3) Apart from coaching I manage community-led climate justice contracts.

4) I'm a CEO and Founder of Reconnect and Recentre coaching because there's just not enough female CEO's in the world and I'm passionate that transforming your inner world had huge impact on your outer world.​

5) I sea swam for 40 days straight, it was transformative.​

6) I'm mother to two littles and I'm not remotely the same person I was before them. They are my teachers.​

7) I'm passionate about climate justice and gender equality.​

8) I once stood in Uganda, Rwanda and DRC at the same time, it's not a riddle.​

9) Tereasa Heinz Kerry complimented me on my red dress that I found in a charity shop.​

10) I met my husband in India, he's from Wicklow, Ireland.​


To get to know me more, subscribe to my newsletter and connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn​

Our Services

At Reconnect and Recentre, we offer personalized coaching services to help you achieve your goals and live your best life. Our services include 1-1 coaching, workshops, and group coaching programs.

1-1 Coaching

Transform Your Life

Our 1-1 coaching sessions are designed to help you reconnect with your inner self and transform your life.


The Gestalt approach focuses on building awareness whilst being present in the moment, allowing you to tap into your true potential and live your best life.


Contact me to schedule a call to learn more.


Connect with Others

My workshops offer a unique opportunity to connect with others and learn valuable skills to transform your life.


I follow the Celtic Wheel of the Year, inspired my the both the natural cycle of the season and solar events (equinox and solstices).


My workshops are designed to help you reconnect with your inner self and find inner peace.


Contact me to learn more about our upcoming workshops.

Group Coaching Programs

Achieve Your Goals

Join our intimate accountability group of 6-8 people and get the holistic support you need to thrive in all areas of your life.


You'll recieve

- Daily accountability prompts via WhatsApp, Monday to Friday, morning and evening.

- Bi-weekly 60-minute virtual group coaching calls for goal setting and review

- Wheel of Life self-assessment and measurement  

- Ad-hoc co-working sessions and workshops on topics like energy management, finding joy daily, sub-conscious vision boarding and more


In this small, trusting community, you'll find the motivation, focus, and camaraderie needed to make progress on your goals, to find a balanced, purpose-driven life.

Success Stories

I cannot recommend Ciara highly enough as a Coach.  I couldn’t have met her at a better time and without having done so, I don’t think I would be at this point in the redirection of my career. Thank you Ciara..

Debbie, former BBC Producer

Contact us to learn more about our services and start your journey to a more fulfilling life.

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